During these uncertain times we are prayerfully trying to live out the truths of God’s word that tell us not to be afraid (Joshua 1:9), not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6), and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31). With these truths in mind, we have modified our in-person worship services. 

​Below is a description of what you can expect when you arrive at church. 

  1. ​You will be greeted by an usher with lots of socially distant love who will hold the door for you.
  2. Please use the hand sanitizer provided for you at the welcome table before you enter the sanctuary. 
  3. Due to the Governor’s mandate, everyone 5 years old and older is to wear a face covering unless they have a condition that does not permit them to. 
    • If you do not have a face covering, they will be available at the church.   
  4. Pews and chairs have been spaced out to accommodate for social distancing. 
  5. You will be ushered out at the end of the service starting with the back rows. 
  6. You can either give your offering online at myfaithlutheran.com or you can leave your offering in the baskets as you exit the sanctuary.
  7. There will be no socializing in the church building. You are welcome to socialize with your friends in the parking lot area while maintaining social distancing.
  8. We invite anyone who is currently uncomfortable worshiping in-person or showing signs of illness to continue worshiping with us online. We are working on enhancing our online experience to make it even more worshipful. 

​During these strange and uncomfortable times, we look to Christ and the comfort he offers us by what he endured.  He took the uncomfortable step of leaving the riches of heaven for the poverty of this world.  He left the heavenly halls where angels praised him regularly for the earthly streets where he constantly received death threats.  He exchanged his kingly crown for a crown of thorns.  He endured the cross so that by his resurrection power we can now endure the crosses set before us.  The Apostle Paul put it this way in Philippians 1:29, “It has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him.”  By the power of Jesus Christ, let us suffer together for the sake of the gospel!